Kali's Adventure
Slutty Space Lorelei Titi has a voracious appetite for raunchy sex and thinks she handle anything, but can she handle another Lorelei with a secret?
Titi has completed her first mission to obtain a caveman for her leaders – after her draining him of course. Now she’s back at home base and looking for some fun before her next mission and is seeking answers as to why men are being abducted.
She needs the help of an innocent and perky lab technician. Titi believes she can seduce anyone, but this inexperienced target knows the Lorelei secrets and refuses to open herself up to her.
When one Lorelei is not able to overcome an obstacle, the next option is, of course, get the help of another with different abilities – and this counterpart has a massive secret. One that will be sure to cause their target’s legs to open wide and enjoy what the Loreleis have to offer.
Will Titi gain access to the secrets she desires or will she be refused all entry?
Get ready for a sci-fi erotic novel like no other. Holes are filled, cravings are satisfied, and lines are not crossed, but they are straddled. The second part in a raunchy and fun series, Space Lorelei: Kali’s Adventure will keep you hooked and dripping from the first page. Start reading now!